Advantage Travel Partnership

Performance Stats

Match the Cards Icon
Match the Cards
Number of Visitors Icon
Number of Visitors
Number of Entries Icon
Number of Entries
Countries Visited From Icon
Countries Visited From
Additional Upgrades Icon
Additional Upgrades
Networking Event Icon
Networking Event

The Game
The “Anchors Aweigh” campaign was designed to increase awareness and engagement for Advantage Travel partners through an interactive experience. Upon loading the game you will be able to select your lifesaver ring. When you decided which lifesaver to click on, a partner logo appeared. When you have saved your partner you will see a content window that explains what their company offers and the details of their cruises. Each partner was spotlighted for 3 days, and because there were 10 partners the campaign lasted 30 days. 

While the game is over, you can check it out here: 

Anchors Aweigh” was a private and internal gamification campaign for members. The campaign intended to educate people on the various services and values each Advantage Travel partner offers. This campaign was promoted to their members in their portal and exclusive social media groups, so it wasn’t open to the public. The aim of the campaign was to educate their members about Advantage Travel’s partners; who they are, what they offer, etc.

In the same window below the content a user is able to engage more meaningfully and can fill out the multiple choice questions. With these questions, Advantage Travel Partnership were able to track who was paying attention to the content and with the help of a data capture form we could determine which 10 winners to pick for the prizes. 

Calm Campaigns were able to successfully help Advantage Travel Partnership through the blending of gamification and educational content. Creating an engaging and interactive experience that educated members on the services, deals, and history of their chosen partners allowed members to develop a deeper understanding and relationship with Advantage Travel Partnership partner’s. This blended approach showcased how gamification can be used to spread awareness, educate, and increase engagement. 

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